Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Our beloved little Village of  Kailua Kona 

Today was a potpourri. You never know.
It was one of those oh, it's so grey today. "Look, I think it must be raining down at the pier, another 5 minutes of sleep". Those five minutes lead to never getting out there. So off we went as usual.
There was no one there today when we arrived other than our friend Ken (who we told you about yesterday). 
We did the customary let's go have "COFFEE!!!" thing and the customary u-turn in the sand thing, then we got serious and started out on our otherwise uneventful swim out to the Coast Guard Buoy.
I'm showing a picture of the the buoy so you can 'go there with us' when you read.
Swam back in and didn't hear even a peep from the Dolphins today. "Oh no, nothing to see today"? Never!

Coast Guard Buoy off Kailua Kona Village

As we swam back in, Linda saw a big crab trailing along the bottom.  He was the size of a small dinner plate. Ah ha! Picture opportunity!
I snorkeled down to him , got him in my sights and POOF! he was gone. Once he saw me he disappeared under the sand. Now how did he bury himself so fast? I am talking a second and he was buried. The photos shows him as he  did his deep dive in the sand. We cracked up!

Our camera shy crab. He was 8-10" across in size.

We got several photos of eels on the way back, several were so close, you can not even see what they are, but I put one up just so you can see if you can find the eel in the picture!

Curious spotted eel

Then comes the really good good part of the swim. The Fire Department was out doing their entry drills. Baywatch here we come!


Note the picture of Linda swimming after them? Can you believe she feigned a heart attack right there? Kidding of course, but I bet the thought crossed her mind.   Ever wonder how they find all those cute hard bodies?

I also have enclosed a few photos of the pier so you can see the leaving spot and as well as our Coast Guard Buoy turn around spot.

......yeah baby!

The U-Turn, it's not too late, lets go have COFFEE!!! spot. 

Just another day in paradise! 
A Hui Hou!

The Pacific Mermaid

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